
Dear Future Me,

I hope the planet was saved by people who stood by its side and let the planet’s resources thrive rather than leaving it to wallow in the sorrows of climate change that humans brought onto it. I

by Abby Loughlin

Dear Child,

The year is 2020 and climate change is getting worse and worse. The government has taken little to no action towards helping the stop global warming and climate change.

by Tatianna Vidakovich

To My Future Children,

We don’t want to put our children in the position we were born into– a world that appears to be crumbling, physical disaster occurring around us, the threat of impending doom causing sickness to our Earth as it does to our heads. We won’t let you exist in a world like that.

by Anonymous

Dear Future Family,

Every action, moment, and breath I take will be in order to make your life a better place to live, learn, and love.

by Anonymous

Dear Future Self,

I hope especially my home town learned to grow with the rest of the world.

by Anonymous

Dear future self,

I think it is my calling to work in a field that promotes environmental protection or policy and sustainability. While this is something to work for in the future, I need to start working right now to create a healthier and safer world, for all people, regardless of race, gender, or socio-economic status, and for all species that reside on Earth.

by Anonymous

dear love-ones,

I hope you are part of change to fix it. That will be from small actionable items and also holding corps systems accountable.

by Anonymous

Dear future Child…

As I do not want this for you, I promise to reanalyze and fix my carbon footprint, to mitigate my negative impacts on the environment and to treat the earth like the home it is.

by Anonymous

Dear tomorrow,

In 2020, I promise to take action and reduce my carbon footprint to ensure a safe future.

by Anonymous

Dear Brendan,

The natural world has been viewed as something that solely holds instrumental value, existing so that humans can take from it and do what they please, creating products, technology, and so on in order to receive a profit, never thinking about giving back to the planet for all they have taken away.

by Anonymous

Dear Tomorrow,

While all of these actions I can take will help make my visualization a reality, I also know I cannot do it alone.

by Anonymous

Dear Cecelia,

I am worried, I am scared, but I am also hopeful.

by Anonymous

Dear Josh,

I hope that people started realizing by this point how important saving our climate is so unbelievably crucial to the survival of the human race.

by Joshua Philips

Dear _______,

I hope—I pray—that we’re able to replace these empty human shells with lively, caring, ethical, and determined people.

by Anonymous

Dear John,

I’m writing you this letter because I want you to know I stood up for what needed to be done and hope that I, in some way helped slow the climate change that is so evident in the world.

by Anonymous


Dear Future Self,

It was 2020, the year I realized that life is fragile—not just mine, but the entire planet—through immense consumption, pollution, greediness, ignorance, false bliss. This wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life, so I promise to actively make the change.

by Allie Lijewski

Dear Tomorrow,

We must take a stand and take action to get land back. We must demand renewable energy and planting more greenery. These must be done to have the bright future I visualized to come true. It is up to us. We need to take action now.

by Anonymous

Dear Future Self,

Another important quality that must be held by everyone in order to create important change is gratitude. I hope that more people hold this value in the future as it is powerful when healing damage as well as when talking not only about connections with others and the Earth, but creating relationships that truly care for each other.

by Anonymous

Dear Brother,

I think it would be very cool if you were working on the very products I hope to invest in my future as well as make them more affordable for others.

by Anonymous

Dear Chris…

On December 6th, 2020 you made a promise to take action to ensure a safe and healthy world. By doing this you must force yourself to have those hard conversations with family, friends, and others to cut back on their use in general.

by Christopher Conquest


Dear tomorrow,

If there’s one thing young people have learned while quarantining, it’s that Gen Z holds so much power and is capable of a lot more than we think. We’ve created a community that has united us all and started to bring about change for the good of our futures. Now, with the help of Gen Z (and of course, people of all ages), we have the power to save our home, the Earth.

by Rebekah Barrera

Dear future fellas (coz I may probably never have children)

If I will be given the chance to live longer like forever, well I probably will build a trash collecting business. Not the usual (during this time 2020) garbage collecting business, but a world trash-collector. I want to be the one to collect all the wastes on this planet, and set my rocket to the direction of blackhole.

by Anonymous

dear future,

i promise to protect the environment and help those less fortunate so that by 2050 the number of those living in poverty have severely decreased.

by Anonymous

Dear Furture Self,

Try and help this world as much as you can, you of all people should know how amazing it is, with the things it has done for you. It’s time to give back to this amazing planet of yours.

by Anonymous

Dear future,

I promise to try my best to bring about change in the world.

by Emily Jones

Dear future people of the world,

What I hope for the future people in the world is that they take care of the world around them, standing up for and acting towards a better environment, benefitting all life on this earth.

by Anonymous

Dear future children,

I want you to always fight for what you believe in, stand up for yourself and others. YOU alone, and with the help of others, can achieve anything you put your mind to; whether that be standing up for racial discrimination, climate change or even simply just a bully at school. Never be afraid!

by Anonymous

Dear future self,

I leave to go to the Great Barrier Reef in less than a week, and I can’t wait. I only hope that it will still be around for your children to see when it is their turn.

by Anonymous

Dear tomorrow,

I envision a world of justice, a world where we may finally achieve peace. I hope that our generation will make a stand against animal testing, police cruelty and racial discrimination. I believe if we work as one we can stop climate change and implement a difference for the better, for the common good, and for the world we live in today.

by Anonymous

Dear my friends,

I pray we never drift apart and work towards a sustainable future, a future where we can be whoever we want and whoever we need to be.

by Anonymous

dear future me,

I promise to play my part now so that you may enjoy the future like you’re enjoying right now.

by Anonymous


Dear Tara,

I am sitting in a classroom thinking about you. Which is rare for me. I hope that our family has taken some initiative to do something about changing society instead of building robots and large houses.

by Anonymous

Dear Future Generations,

Keep going to the climate change rallies, take your time to sort out rubbish, and don’t buy something new all the time. Make your voice heard just like we have in our generation.

by Anonymous

dear Mohammed,

Take a breath. Look down at your two feet. Where are they right now? Look around you. Do you see nature? Go touch the leaves. Pick a flower and deeply inhale its beautiful fragrance. Do you hear birds? Stop and take a moment to go listen to their music, because not everyone is so fortunate enough to be able to hear and enjoy that experience.

by Anonymous

dear future society,

What we have won, though, is the incredible will of those who choose to speak up and be a voice for change. More and more people in our current society are becoming more educated on climate change and pushing for laws that will protect our Earth. We are shining a light on the corrupt governments and companies that prioritize profit over the wellbeing of current and future society.

by Anonymous

To my children,

How is the world like right now?

by Anonymous

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