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Dear Brendan,

It is clear that since the arrival of human industrialization, the tide has shifted in terms of how the earth itself is treated. The natural world has been viewed as something that solely holds instrumental value, existing so that humans can take from it and do what they please, creating products, technology, and so on in order to receive a profit, never thinking about giving back to the planet for all they have taken away. This problem is also one of human proportions, where it is not just the world itself that is being degraded, but the people who live in third-world countries or those who are sustenance farmers or fishers, and are not fortunate enough to consume without thinking about the consequences. Still, these people bear the largest burden of all even though they consume the very least. By 2050, it is important that you work to spark change and make the world a better place socially, economically, and most importantly, environmentally, with all three factors working together hand-in-hand. There is more to learn each and every day, with hindsight being 20/20, however, if you continue down your current path there will be satisfaction, hope, love, and gratitude at the end of the tunnel.
Be great!

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