Dear Future Generations,
hopefully the world hasn’t been ripped to shreds yet, we tried to take care of this world; still are. Change, its a long process and can often be for the better or for the worse, in this case I hope for the better. Maybe by 2050 the world will have changed a whole lot in technology allowing us to better climate change, maybe it hasn’t; I don’t have many expectations for what is going to happen.
Personally I would like to see myself and everyone else to continue our better habit of helping the environment, it’s a little step to seeing a brighter future. Who knows if the future is bright though, It may just turn out to be just like Wall-e. If Earth’s population ever needed to travel and create life on a new planet, I would refuse. This is our Earth and the only one we have. We just need to take into consideration the climate, the animals and plants that have more right than any of us to be here.
So, keep going to the climate change rallies, take your time to sort out rubbish, and don’t buy something new all the time. Make your voice heard just like we have in our generation. And sorry for the mess we and our past generation have made for the future kids to fix. Take your time, make yourself be heard, we can make a change.
Good Luck,
Gen Z