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Dear future Child…

I picture you playing in the sand and ocean just as I did, however, you may come across some our challenges as the past generations (including my own) have put up some barriers. You may see litter lined on the shores, trash in the oceans, or the effects of the rising sea level. Who knows, maybe will increasing temperatures you will be on this beach at any time of the year. As I do not want this for you, I promise to reanalyze and fix my carbon footprint, to mitigate my negative impacts on the environment and to treat the earth like the home it is. I will attend protests so that my voice is heard and hopefully policy makers hear so that they can make change on behalf of everyone. I can start small, so today, I will not eat that steak I was going to buy, but instead make veggie burgers.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Ezmae,

As I write this, I consider giving up as it sometimes seems that all is lost. But then I think of you.


Dear Grandchildren — August and any others who were born after him

I joined millions of other people who wrote letters and made calls urging our leaders to do more to care for the planet.


To my dearest Gabriel,

What gives me hope is what is yet to come, what you will experience in your lifetime.


For my most dear and only daughter,

And I know life more fully because of you whom I live on through. 


Dear Alba:

There is still a lot of beauty and I will do what I can to keep it from slipping away.


Dear Erica and Matthew,

I want you to be able to bring your kids to Tahoe and experience the same clarity that you had as a child.


Dear Eleanor,

You are so small. So innocent. So beautiful. For you and for everyone else, I will try harder.


Dear Samuel, Willa, and Ben,

To the core of my being, and only through the power of community, I will honor the voices of the youth who are pleading, “Don’t burn my future.” Samuel, Willa, and Ben, your little voices I know, will join that chorus soon enough.


To what we’ve overcome.

The first step would be in overcoming ourselves. Because whether we end up fading into obscurity, or thriving in prosperity, we will overcome ourselves.


Dear Tomorrow,

The transformation of human consciousness


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise is to use a refillable bottle, bring my own resusable spoon/form wherever I go, use clean personal care products (without chemicals).


Dear Future Self,

It was 2020, the year I realized that life is fragile—not just mine, but the entire planet—through immense consumption, pollution, greediness, ignorance, false bliss. This wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life, so I promise to actively make the change.

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