
There are hundreds of things you can do to reduce you energy, natural resource use and your waste. But too many choices can be overwhelming and confusing. So, we have reviewed dozens of articles, talks and books by top experts to bring you 12 recommendations for reducing your carbon footprint and fighting for bold climate action.



Politicians listen to voters. Politicians want to win elections, and if environmental issues are a priority for voters, they will be a priority for policy makers. Vote for climate action every election.

Be an activist

Join a local school strike, action or activist group – if you can’t find a group, organize in your community, at your school, workplace or in your church or synagogue. Showing up is half the battle so put on your sneakers, grab your family and friends and participate in local activities.

Get renewables

Getting your energy from wind and solar are among the most effective personal actions for reducing your own carbon footprint. Install solar panels on your rooftop or buy renewable energy credits from your energy service provider.

Make smart food choices

One of the top recommendations for lowering your own greenhouse gas emissions is to eat less meat (especially beef and lamb) or become a vegetarian or vegan. Other smart food choices include composting, reducing food waste, buying local and seasonal food, bringing your own water bottle or mug and reducing packaging.

Be an active citizen

One of the most powerful political actions you can take is to contact your elected officials directly - so pick up the phone, send them an email or schedule a meeting. Whether in city hall, your state capitol or DC, your elected officials work for you and their job is to listen to you. Tell them what you care about, and why. Then ask them what they plan to do about it.

Talk about climate change

Telling your own personal story—not a political article or a research study filled with data—is the best communication tool at your disposal. Your friends and family trust you - talk to them about why you care about climate change.

Support bold policy

Transitioning away from fossil fuels will require politicians to pass bold policy. Learn more about policies like the Green New Deal, Climate Emergency Resolutions and Carbon Tax. Call your member of Congress or join an organization that is fighting for strong climate policy. Don't know where to start? In the US, check out the Sunrise Movement, Our Climate, Climate Mobilization and Citizens' Climate Lobby.

Use low/no carbon transport

There are many low-carbon and no-carbon transportation options including: biking, walking and taking public transportation. In places where this is not possible, consider carpooling or purchasing a more energy efficient or electric vehicle. If and when possible, consider alternatives for flying for work and vacation. Some alternatives include: remote presentations, travel by train or bus for shorter distances, more local vacations.

Be more efficient

Use less energy in your home. Get a home energy audit. Lower your heat. Purchase smart appliances. Buy a Nest Thermostat. Switch to LED lighting. Insulate your home. Unplug your devices.

Divest, Invest

Divest from fossil fuels; invest in renewable energy. Organize or join an existing campaign to divest from fossil fuels in your church, school, community, workplace, union, local government. Invest in renewable energy and support bold renewable energy laws and carbon reduction goals in your state, city or town.


Start a new organization, green your business, create an environmental team in your workplace, teach climate in your classroom, start a community organization, build cultural awareness through creative practices, volunteer your time and talent.

consume less

Support businesses, products and services that work to reduce their energy and waste. Start by buying environmentally friendly products, buying local and/or secondhand. Take it a step further by buying less and getting items repaired. Get inspired by the zero waste movement, the Minimalists and the 10-item clothing challenge.