
Dear Mother,

I hope you are okay in these times also.

by Anonymous


Dear Logan and Liam,

I promise to fight for your future and your health. I promise to work hard to protect your earth. Love, mom #deartomorrow

by Trisha Sheehan


Future generations

I promise to walk or take the bike whenever I can and if it’s far to take public transportation, to help minimize the amount of carbons polluting our climate, for a healthy life and a healthy world.

by Nayera Saad

Dear Sister,

I made a promise to myself to help the world as much as possible to stop plastic pollution and help save our planet.

by Nemo Valasquez

Dear future,

I will spread awareness to others so they can do the same.

by Anonymous


Dear Little Cousins,

by Marquis Harris

Dear “future” me,

There is so much I feel like you will never get to experience.

by Anonymous

Dear daughter,

I want to build a better world so that you can live a life where the Earth is valued, healed, and life-giving.

by Anonymous

dear me,

I hope that this generation is doing all they can to help the earth and environment to make a difference, as there is no planet B!

by Anonymous

Dear future,

I pray that ice caps melting and sea levels rising won’t be so much of an issue as it seems.

by Anonymous


Dear Seamus and Tuva,

So it’s 2050. If the good people are winning the greater struggle, fossil fuels are a shamefully long chapter of the past, and there has been a full scale awakening to the need for only renewable, clean energy.

by Ryan Wilson

Dear tomorrow,

by Anonymous


Dear Rowan & Tristan,

I promise to do everything I can as a daughter to our great Mother Earth to protect her wildlife and trees.

by Anonymous

Dear Future Generations,

Make sure you take care of our planet.

by Anonymous


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ditch all the natural gas and go all electric with my home!

by Anonymous

Dear youngsters,

Let’s right this ship.

by Anonymous

Dear Future Self,

I promise to walk. I promise to enjoy nature and share that love with everyone around me. I promise to donate to rainforests and wildlife. I promise to start a garden. I promise to become a beekeeper. I promise to protect the bees. I promise.

by Alanna Phillips

Dear Future Self,

You now have more potential than ever to do something about climate change.

by Anonymous

Dear son,

I want you to know that we tried our best to fix the mistakes of my parent’s generation.

by Anonymous


I promise to stop eating junk food.

by Anonymous

Dear adventurer,

Nowadays it seems like there aren’t many people who care enough to drive the communal change we need to have a big enough impact.

by Anonymous

to my grandchildren,

If the world moves to 100% of wind, water and solar energy.

by Anonymous

Dear sir / madam,

We could be activists.

by Anonymous


Dear Mother Nature,

I promise to educate people about the importance of keeping nature clean.

by Amalia Glowczeski

Dear future self,

The world is not doing to good and I’m not expecting it to change unless we do something.

by Anonymous

Dear future kid(s),

There’s a lot of directions this world can go in, and I’m hoping to hep make it one that we can enjoy together for the rest of our lives.

by Anonymous


Dear children,

Despite all the difficulties, we are from a family whose principles are honesty and love for others, and that’s what I want to share with you.

by Daniel Monteiro

Queridos netos,

Hoje queridos netos espero que vocês sejam de uma geração mais cuidadosa e humana com mais amor e dedicação ao próximo que lutem para uma vida melhor com a sustentabilidade em alta.

by Jacqueline Rodrigues de Oliveira


My dear granddaughter Christy,

My own curiosity and knowing what a caring, aware young woman you are help me override despair.

by Rosemary Wilvert


Dear tomorrow,

Use voice to work towards more sustainable world, in balance with mother earth.

by Hannah Ulloa

Dear Future Me,

Today is November 15th, 2018. The air quality is so bad this week.

by Anonymous

dear future self,

The earth is what we all have in common, and we need to protect it. Older generations have left it torn, but now it is up to us to mend it again.

by Anonymous

Dear Future Earth,

As a species that has come from you, I hope that we as a species have realized how much we need you to live a healthy life.

by Anonymous

Dear Emma Smith,

I want you to be the change that makes a difference cause I know you can push beyond your boundaries.

by Anonymous

Dear future family,

I will do my part to help the world

by Anonymous



by Jakye Nelson

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