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Emma Florez
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Dear future self,

I hope you’re doing well. I hope you’re breathing easy.

Did our hard work pay off? Did people listen to us and other activists? Is life valued above profits?

Keep fighting, but don’t forget to live. We’ve put in so much work over the past thirty years. You deserve a break.

Love you.

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To the future,

Today, I will hope and envision the future I wish to achieve. Then tomorrow, I will have tough conversations, I will call my local representatives, I will continue to fight for this world.


Dear Brady,

I will work everyday to combat climate change for your today, for your tomorrow!


Dear Great Grandchildren,

If you are reading this, you probably inherited my fascination with ancestry, and the way it uncovers incredible stories of unlikely survival.


Dear Annie and Eric,

I hope that this life of good things is not just yours to enjoy, but that you also have decided to fight for others to have this life, too.



All you can do is your best. You can encourage the same in others. You can admit your mistakes and those of your ancestors. You can learn from them, and help however you can. I’ll do the same. I promise.


Dear next generation,

I hope that by the time you’re reading this, things have changed and people have started to protect the earth


To my darling ones,

And it’s not that I don’t care. I care deeply. For you three, and the families I hope you will have one day; for the many beautiful places I have had the privilege to know, places which take my breath away, that fill my heart with a bursting joy and connectedness to something so much greater than I, places I know may be quite different when you are my age


To the Three most Beautiful Souls I could ever Know,

I promise to keep your Love at the forefront of my every move. I will make personal changes and I will learn more, so that I can contribute to a healthier environment in a meaningful way.


To my brother’s children,

We wondered about how we might be able to eliminate plastics from our day to day routines, and recycled literally everything. We were amazing, you should have seen us. Now and again though, we wondered if these were the right questions.


Dear Grandchildren,

So here we are. In 2022 millions of people are suffering from the climate catastrophes, killing pollution and pandemic, not mentioning about poverty, gender and social injustice, racism, wars and dictatorships that can go on as long as bad people in power are allowed to grab our natural resources.


Dear Nephew,

I am going to start doing better to have a healthier planet for you to live on.


Dear X—, Dear A—,

As with our struggles to eliminate police brutality, as with hate crimes, so it is with climate change – there are actually a lot of people out there who care.

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