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Calla Kostelnik
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Dear Future Grandchildren,

It took me awhile to come to grips with the fact that climate change could be caused by humans like you and me. Turns out, humans have a lot more of an impact than we think. After taking an environmental ethics course and an environmental chem course in college, I began to think differently. Growing up and going to Catholic grade school and high school, I was always taught we were made in the image of God and that we were all created equally. Our many duty was to protect the earth and that we were to treat all of God’s creation with great respect and reverence. Nature has always been a big part of my life. It’s so vast and intriguing. There has always been so much to explore and learn. It brought me peace and serenity and allowed me to escape from the busy, stressful world. The earth has given humans so much and humans continue to trample on it and objectify it. We no longer see it as sacred but something we can exploit for monetary gain. We don’t realize the impact of our actions have on the earth. Things like big industries, oil and gas development, pollution and excessive water use are contributing to climate change.

One thing that was ingrained in my brain growing up was to never be wasteful. I have always been conscientious about how much water I was using. I have always recycled and reused materials as much as I can. However, there is so much more that I can do to protect the Earth. Everything I have learned I will pass on to your parents. It is important to remember that humans are to benefit from the earth and use its resources but humans must remember to give back to the Earth. Plant flowers, pick up trash, don’t destroy habitats by building near them, walk instead of drive, protect and appreciate biodiversity, recycle and reuse…the opportunities are endless. The Earth is not something that can be taken advantage of because once it’s gone, it’s gone.

I’ll be seeing you soon.


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