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Vania Mattoso
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Meu afilhado amado,

Você chegou de repente trazendo tanto significado pra minha vida…me mostrando que meu coração podia bater fora do meu peito. Que eu podia me importar muito mais com você do que comigo. Que sua presença sempre traria tanta felicidade pro meu coração e sua imagem faria meus olhos já meio cansados da vida, brilharem novamente.

Eu só tenho agradecer a sua mãe, minha amiga tão querida, pela sua presença no mundo e, especialmente, na minha vida.

Você tem me ensinado a amar de uma forma que eu nunca amei antes.
Muito obrigada. Por tudo.

E desejo, de todo coração, que sejamos sempre muito próximos e que possamos andar pela vida juntos.

Em 2050, você já terá 36 anos e eu já estarei babando pelos seus filhos lindos… e nesse momento, só estou pensando na sua festinha de 1 ano !!!

Sua dinda que tanto te ama,
Vania Mattoso

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to work with my family and neighbors to reduce carbon output.


Dear fellow human,

May my tomorrow include more attention to these details so that you know that I do care.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to sign up for 100% renewable energy.


We will look back on our time here and ask, “What did I do?”

If we truly live our present moment, maybe you’ll have a future.


To My Grandchildren,

It’s my hope that the following will be helpful as you navigate your futures.  These are the confessions of a climate activist:


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise my next vehicle will be an EV.


Dear Sadie,

You are young and have a rich future ahead of you. I am retired and aiming for a high quality of cultural life and comfort with whatever time remains to me. I do not want to see a world whose elders sacrifice your future for their short-term needs and personal gain. So it’s up to you and me to speak out.


Dear future generations,

Past generations took all the trees, polluted all the water, fished all the fish, and hunted all the animals so that there’s almost nothing nice left.


Dear Daughter,

I want you to be prepared for the world that the generations before you are creating for you. I love you Lucienne, and I will not give up. I will push you and teach you not to give up, either, even if others around you do.


Dear Nieces and Nephews,

I tried.


To my unborn children, hey it’s mummy Cris here!

I am witnessing climate change in a way that I do not like, and I do not know how can I stop it.


Dear Tomorrow,

We want to let others know about how to fight climate crisis.

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