Dear Tomorrow,
I am speaking from today in the past which was yesterday! It’s a bit hot in the future isn’t it?That would be our fault, sorry about that.
I’ve been thinking a lot about climate change recently. More thought than I’ve ever put into it before actually. The American consciousness on climate change is evolving, myself included. We have two sides of the spectrum, those who try and spread awareness like Leonardo DiCaprio and those who still cling to the idea that climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese like our current President Elect Donald Trump.
But it’s starting to feel like our awareness isn’t enough. It isn’t awareness that’s going to stop the polar ice caps from melting or the rainforests from being destroyed. It’s action. What we do today affects you tomorrow. I don’t want to find myself looking at this tomorrow and regretting what I did (or didn’t do) today.
So with that being said, what can we do? Well, I think the best place to start is small. Start at the smallest level possible which of course is individual action. As a consumer who gives a shit about the planet, what I consume and where it comes from is important. This means supporting local businesses, doing a bit of research and actually having to sacrifice a bit of my first world comforts. Knowing what I know now about what the beef industry, maybe now is time to say that my McDonald’s days are over. Maybe now is time to say that it’s time to reduce my meat intake in general, especially beef. Once my thoughts are actions, then it will be time to encourage others to do the same.
As a budding filmmaker I feel that it is my responsibility to use my platform to spread good ideas that have the potential to change the world for the better. Everyone has their own unique way of making change. There are the policy makers, the activists, the artists, the farmers and so much more. Each component is critical for a paradigm shift for a better world.
I feel optimistic for you, tomorrow. I can feel a shift happening already, although sometimes at a slow rate I must admit. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to a bright, green tomorrow thanks to the actions of today.