I hope by 2050, our society has taken initiative to be producing energy solely through renewable sources.

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To My Future Children,

I am writing this in 2018, I am only 21 years old. By the time you read this, you are about my age and I am the “old” age of my parents. Kind of weird how that works out. If I did my job correctly, I raised you to be a strong environmentalist, who would rather be outside, enjoying fresh air, experiencing life through real life experiences. Instead of the digital realm I see my friends and family indulged in now.

Sadly, our environment continues to be under threat, which truly pains me. The overfishing to supply people with amenities, such as food, has damaged marine ecosystems, to the point corals are dying and we have to grow our own fish to eat. Our consumerist society has such high demand for lumber and products; we have nearly destroyed almost all of our rain forests and the animals that have lived there way before my time. Instead of reusing, fixing, and recycling, we throw out our waste. Polluting third-world countries, oceans, and the little land we have left because of our extremely large population. Instead of fixing and trying to save our current planet, there is talk about moving to Mars. We must work to be better and fix what we have before damaging another country.

It is 2050 and I hope we have not been suffering through the affects of climate change that are currently projected. Currently, scientists say we have until 2030 to decrease our carbon emissions or we will see serious effects, including increases of storms, droughts, etc. America is currently investing in fossil fuels, but many countries are disinvesting and shifting to renewable energy sources. I hope by 2050, our society has taken initiative to be producing energy solely through renewable sources. I hope the coral reefs have been able to replenish and we have started planting the gorgeous trees generations before me have cut down to restore biodiversity. I hope the recycling system is actually efficient but I hope more than that, all single-used items are outlawed and we can use reusable containers.

I have made steps so far in my young life to help protect the environment, that I hopefully passed down to you. I use my reusable glass jars to store my items and use the no-package refill station at Whole Foods. Shopping at thrift stores helps decrease clothing waste, on top of me just learning to sew so I can fix our clothes instead of throwing them out. I do my best to use public transportation at all times or walk and bike. Why not use the healthy body I have that does not have a severe impact on the environment around me? However, if it is late at night, safety first and ride share. By the point of you reading this I would have been at least a vegetarian for many years, maybe even vegan, but right now it has only been over a year. I don’t eat meat and eat limited dairy because of the horrific impacts they have on the environment. I still need to get better, but it is so hard when there is chocolate, ice cream, and pizza, but trying is all that matters.

My obligation to you is to fight for a better world that you can live in. I am taking the steps to advocate for the environment and animals I truly love and find peace with so you have the opportunity to enjoy those gifts as well. At times it may be discouraging to fight for the causes when the world around you wants to ignore and deny the facts. However, you are built to preserve and fight for the world you want to see. Now is your time. Take nothing for granted and enjoy the little things life has to offer.

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