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dear tomorrow,

The world is changing, very fast. I can only hope; that you can keep up.

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Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise: community awareness of the climate crisis.


To you, my dear!

In 2050, I will still be fighting against climate change. I feel that it’s not only my duty, but rather my destiny.


Dear Brady,

I will work everyday to combat climate change for your today, for your tomorrow!


I will recycle stuff I found.


Chers Enfants,

Chers Enfants,


Dear Tripp,

I promise to do my part, supporting federal legislation to protect our earth while starting small with projects at home.


My dearest Paloma Bear,

I want the very best for you and for generations to come. There is only one planet earth. Your mommy and I will make a genuine effort to make an impact to protect it for you.


Queridos nietas/nietos,

Creo que debo hacer más. Por ello, he decidido escribir esta breve carta para empezar un proceso en el que vaya escribiendo más cartas, conforme vaya teniendo más claridad de mis posibles contribuciones.


Dear Tomorrow,

And, if this summer has taught me anything, I am content (because I have to be) living in this limbo, this seemingly endless waiting for the opportunity to change, when really the opportunity exists within our very selves all along.


To my children – Chase, Maya and Harlan

I hope that we manage to change the system really soon, while there is still time. So that you are not left with the mess, and trying to fix something that you didn’t cause. I hope we figured out a way to be kind, and caring for others who will suffer more than us. A way to let go of the greed and look at ways we can help others rather than take from them.


To my Kids,

I wish you all the best and always make sure that you can be proud of yourself and don’t need status-symbols for feeling nice.


Dear Jamie and Jason,

My inspiration was the two of you. It started with thinking about the world you were inheriting and what your future was going to be like. But then you taught me how important it is to listen to you – to listen to young people.

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