Dear Ryan,
I hope that you start doing things that will help the world. I know that you can do many things t0 help the world but you are too lazy. In 2050 I hope that you are a changed person and realize the consequences of this climate change
I hope that you start doing things that will help the world. I know that you can do many things t0 help the world but you are too lazy. In 2050 I hope that you are a changed person and realize the consequences of this climate change
Chers Enfants,
Chers Enfants,
Dear Brady,
I will work everyday to combat climate change for your today, for your tomorrow!
I love you Earth.
Cari nipoti,
Siamo nel 2017 e vi assicuro che sto facendo tutto il possibile per rendere questo pianeta un posto migliore.
To you, my dear!
In 2050, I will still be fighting against climate change. I feel that it’s not only my duty, but rather my destiny.
To my future children,
It’s not enough to just recycle. I will sign petitions and call my local representatives. I will also engage in conversations about climate change – even with people with whom I don’t see eye-to-eye.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to purchase carbon offsets when we fly.
Dear Future Grandchildren,
I hope I can look you in the eye and tell you I honestly did everything I could to protect our planet.
Hi buddy,
I can now see that the solutions are there, that a transition of the magnitude that is needed, is possible.
Dear friend,
I will fight for this cause and I will never ever give up because we, the youngsters, are the hope.
Dear Tomorrow,
My climate promise is to reduce electricity at home. I will turn off the TV and lights when I’m not in the room.
Dear Great Grandchildren,
If you are reading this, you probably inherited my fascination with ancestry, and the way it uncovers incredible stories of unlikely survival.