For my children,
It took my far too long to write this letter but I wanted to do it without any distractions and as you’re both quite young – this is not always possible.
I hope that you get to read this letter and that we have done enough to prevent irreversible damage to the planet and it’s inhabitants.
I’m doing everything that I can to reduce our household’s carbon footprint whilst keeping it affordable. Unfortunately, I don’t really know if this will be enough. Although I will continue to spread the word and help other people work towards a sustainable lifestyle where I can. Making the sustainable swaps and climate activism is all a part of the bigger picture and I’ll do what I can to participate in both.
Scientists have said that we have only 9 years before the effects from climate change are irreversible. I have very little faith in the government to ensure that this does not happen, they are slow to act where most things are concerned as proven by the Covid pandemic in 2020. However, this is our planet and hesitation is just not an option. Due to this I aim to take part in as much climate activism as I can over the next few years.
If we haven’t done enough and the world you’re living on is apocalyptic or if you’re living on another planet then I’m deeply sorry and just know that I believe in you and I know that you are both strong and smart enough to handle anything.
Don’t judge humans too harshly either, people are often very resistent to change. Due to the media as well, it can be difficult to establish what is true and what isn’t true these days.
I am hopeful about the future though and if everything is ok we can read this letter together and laugh about it all.
Love Mummy