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Dear future self,

Today is May 2, 2022 and the earth is not is great shape. We are cutting down trees at alarming rates, our coral reefs are almost completely dead, and all the carbon expelled into the atmosphere is raising world temperatures drastically.

I wish we had done more before now. I wish we had done more to ensure a safe planet for your future and our own.

In order to help make this change I promise to be more aware of my waste everyday in an effort to limit the trash stuck in landfills for eternity. I will also promise to limit now much meat and overly processed foods I eat as the production of these foods are environmental hazards. There is so much to do and even though I am just one person, I will try my hardest to value and respect Mother Earth the planet because it is all we have.

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More Messages to the Future


To our future generations,

I want you to know that some of us do care and we are working towards a better future for you.


To earth & its inhabitants,

Its been heavy on my shoulders since I found out about the state of climate woes as a child.


Future Self & Ka’iulani,

We promise to reduce the amount of carbon we use on a daily basis.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to stop eating beef.


For a child I am yet to know,

We are fighting for a shared cause, inspired by our strong and unwavering dedication to preserve the beauty and wonder of our natural world for our children, our grandchildren and their children, and for countless generations to come.


Dear Tomorrow,

I will do my part to help ensure that there is an Earth left when we are done borrowing it.


Al mio piccolo, grandissimo bambino,

Hai compiuto da poco 1 anno e giusto ieri hanno annunciato la scoperta di 7 pianeti che potrebbero racchiudere in essi la possibilità di sviluppare, o aver già sviluppato, vita a livello organico.


Dear Nieces and Nephews,

I tried.


Dear Future Afnan,

You should make a time machine and come back to past and solve all the problems.


Dear Maya,

Maya, my love, I promise to be courageous. I promise that when I face a decision, I will think of how it will impact you and your future. I promise that I’ll also step outside my individual decisions and add my weight to the forces that shift culture and systems.


To My Future Self,

This lead me to my final project, which focused on reforming the education system to incorporate sustainability classes into the current curriculum.


Dear Grandchild,

I now feel less overwhelmed and powerless, and I am determined to fight for our planet and your future.

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