I don’t know your name
or even if you’re alive,
but I’m doing all I can
to make sure you survive.

I’m your great- great grandmother
who lived a century ago
in a world far different
from the one you must know.

Sent on by
Joan Marshall
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To my great-great grandchildren,

I don’t know your name
or even if you’re alive,
but I’m doing all I can
to make sure you survive.

I’m your great- great grandmother
who lived a century ago
in a world far different
from the one you must know.

For I was given a world
by those who came before me
that was abundant and beautiful…
miraculous to see.

But we were arrogant and wasteful,
caring only for today,
with no thought for your tomorrow…
or the price you must pay.

Too late, we understood
all the damage we had done
to the earth and all its creatures,
as the web of life unspun.

Though my days now are waning,
this I promise to do…
Fight the senseless greed and lies
and try to save this world….for you.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to never use a plastic straw.


Dear son,

Everyone should be grow at least 100 trees in his lifetime.


Dear Valentina & Luis,

You both know I have made it my mission to get people to understand more about the state of our planet‘s climate and what was at stake.


Dear Annie and Eric,

I hope that this life of good things is not just yours to enjoy, but that you also have decided to fight for others to have this life, too.


Dear Emile and Eloise,

The beauty and majesty of the world of your childhood is as remarkable as the beauty and majesty of mine, but the fragility of your childhood world is so much greater.


To My Future Children,

I hope by 2050, our society has taken initiative to be producing energy solely through renewable sources.


Dear Rowan and Anaka,

If we could talk, I would not be able to bear your gaze as you ask: How could you, the people in a position to change the course of climate change, fail to act?


Dear Finley,

I wonder if in 2050 we will be looking at a future where fear from the changes at hand has caused people to hate rather than love and provide hope. Perhaps in that world we will we no longer comprehend the biblical texts in a meaningful way. Will climate change be the end of the epoch of God?


To the wonder,

Dear tomorrow, thank you for letting me ride the wave of wonder that reaches toward you for all generations of all species to come.


Dear Samuel, Willa, and Ben,

To the core of my being, and only through the power of community, I will honor the voices of the youth who are pleading, “Don’t burn my future.” Samuel, Willa, and Ben, your little voices I know, will join that chorus soon enough.


Dear Tomorrow

I will get my roommates to be more environmentally friendly.


Dear my future loved ones,

I hope that humans can live harmoniously with the earth.

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