Dear Elliott,
My dear and precious little boy.
I remember when you became a warrior for the environment – last year, when you were in kindergarten! Your school was focusing on Earth Day and you came home every afternoon with new information for your dad and me. You scolded us for not reusing everything – even stained and broken cardboard had some hidden value somewhere, according to you. You refused to fill the tub up more than a few inches in an effort to conserve water. And you lectured us constantly about needing to stop “those CO2s” out there. Your dad and I loved and admired your passion, and for good reason.
You know how much our family loves the outdoors. Our trips to Brazos Bend State Park, to daddy’s family property in Liberty County, and our big family vacation to Montana last summer are just a few of the examples of how much the three of us love long hikes, fresh air, and beautiful views. But I worry. I worry that even with your passion, even with your enthusiasm for saving the Earth, it won’t be enough. I want this beautiful planet to be there for you as you grow older, and to be there for your own children should you choose to have them. The worry this won’t happen honestly keeps me up at night sometimes.
Your spirit and energy have pushed me to take small steps. When our city stopped curbside recycling of glass due to budget concerns, I started tossing glass into the garbage. But I could hear your tiny yet powerful voice reminding me to make a better choice, so now we take our glass to a city recycling site near our house. For our party for New Year’s Eve, I committed to using real plates and cloth napkins instead of paper products. We signed up for an electric company powered by alternative energy. They are small steps, but I hope they are something.
We’re moving into uncertain times, and your dad and I worry. A lot. But you’re keeping us going. You’re pushing us to make better choices and not give up. Someday, when you’re older, I hope we can go back to Montana again. I hope we can stroll through Glacier National Park and float down the Flathead River. I hope we can look up at the clear blue sky and know with certainty that this amazing planet of ours will be here for your children and your children’s children.
Thanks for motivating me.
Love, Mom