I have solar and will be getting an electric car next week

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Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise: I have solar and will be getting an electric car next week.

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More Messages to the Future


To My Future Children,

I hope by 2050, our society has taken initiative to be producing energy solely through renewable sources.


Dear Sadie,

You are young and have a rich future ahead of you. I am retired and aiming for a high quality of cultural life and comfort with whatever time remains to me. I do not want to see a world whose elders sacrifice your future for their short-term needs and personal gain. So it’s up to you and me to speak out.


Dear Madeleine,

First of all I hope we succeeded in our dream that yours is a better world than the world of 2021. Today, the forests are burning, the sea levels are rising and wild weather is everywhere. But we are working hard and I’m confident we will succeed.


Dear Victoria, sugar pie honey bunch, chiquita loquita,

How can I look at your bright eyes and light dance and tell you we are facing a war?


Dear Seamus and Tuva,

So it’s 2050. If the good people are winning the greater struggle, fossil fuels are a shamefully long chapter of the past, and there has been a full scale awakening to the need for only renewable, clean energy.


Dear Lucy,

The clock ticks, time passes, and the earth and all of its inhabitants move closer to dangerous boundaries we can dimly discern but cannot see clearly.


Dear Future Me,

I promise that I will change my behavior to benefit our trees.


My Mini & Lou,

Since I first sat down with these words, a pandemic has erupted. Racial violence is reaching a fever pitch and protests are raging across the nation. It feels like the planet is succumbing to entropy, slipping further into chaos. But I write to you from a time of shifting tides.


Olá minha querida filha Julia,

Muita Coragem e força para você enfrentar todos os desafios que virão, pois são com eles que crescemos.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to eat less meat.


To My Daughter and Future Grandchildren,

There are so many more things that we can do together to help our Earth from the damage that has been done, and I am so excited to teach you.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate action is to educate youth to create solutions for energy efficiency and conservation opportunities.

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