More Messages to the Future
To my future Niece,
While I will work my hardest to create any positive change I can, you must continue this quest. You cannot give up hope, and you must always remember that the beauty on this Earth is worth saving.
Dear Society,
If we work together to spread the awareness of what is occurring today, we will be able to prevent it from continuing into the tomorrow.
Querida Alê,
Por você idealizei um mundo melhor e lutei incessantemente por ele.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to use a reusable water bottle.
Dear Donatella,
We ran through the woods laughing, crying, and living.
Dear Future Self,
It was 2020, the year I realized that life is fragile—not just mine, but the entire planet—through immense consumption, pollution, greediness, ignorance, false bliss. This wasn’t the way I wanted to live my life, so I promise to actively make the change.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I’ll replace our lights with LED lights.
Dear Future Me,
I hope that when we look back on these years, you’ll see that humanity can be good. That we joined together and fixed it because of we don’t, who will?
To older Rochelle,
You should’ve reduced your carbon footprint, should be using some source of renewable energy and be a vegetarian by now.
Caro Giovanni,
Dobbiamo aiutare nel conservare il bello che c’è nel nostro pianeta.
Dear grandchild,
There is a place on this planet called the Amazon, and I don’t mean the online shopping site (is that still a thing in your time?).
Dear Future Self,
More than getting through a global pandemic that has already taken hundreds of thousands of lives around the world, our true feat is even larger: to secure our long-term health and the health of the ecosystems upon which we depend for life. To do that, we have to cut our emissions in half in the next ten years, and continue to reduce it beyond that. And to succeed in that, we need to fundamentally shift the way we do EVERYTHING.
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