I will make solar powered houses, cars, planes and tablets. Sadie

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Sadie Shirley
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Dear tomorrow,

I will make solar powered houses, cars, planes and tablets.


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Dear future generations,

Past generations took all the trees, polluted all the water, fished all the fish, and hunted all the animals so that there’s almost nothing nice left.


To My Daughter and Future Grandchildren,

There are so many more things that we can do together to help our Earth from the damage that has been done, and I am so excited to teach you.


Pick up your trash wherever you go!


To my daughter,

The climate is quite dynamic these days. Dhaka has dust and warm in this spring.


For my most dear and only daughter,

And I know life more fully because of you whom I live on through. 


Querido amanhã,

Sempre é bom ajudar a natureza.


Dear Tomorrow,

Don’t use plastic straws!


Dear Kai and Leah,

I want you to feel awestruck like I do. It is important to feel small sometimes, to feel the weight of reality, to recognize the scale of a challenge, to see where you fit and what you are up against. This is the case with climate change.


Dear Brothers & Sisters All Across Mother Earth,

I promise to wholeheartedly live my life with an awareness of my personal impact on our communities and our planet.


Hallo Clara,

Was wohl der Klimawandel im Jahr 2050 macht? und wer gerade in der Politik ist? Bei uns macht der Klimawandel gerade Vollgas und an der Macht ist Angela Merkel, seit 16 Jahren
What will climate change do in 2050? and who is in politics right now? Climate change is at full throttle here and Angela Merkel has been in power for 16 years.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I will do everything I can to help fight against climate change.


Dear Tomorrow,

I’m not allowed to talk about climate change around family; as my mom warned me, “climate change is not something that people think about in Mississippi.” But I’m worried for my family’s future.

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