Right now I want to be hopeful. Right now I want to think that we took action to ensure this beautiful future for you.

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Dear Maret,

As I am writing this letter to you, things are looking quite bleak for the Earth. It seems as if many people were refusing to admit that climate change is a real problem, and worse those people are in positions of power in the government. The temperatures are increasing faster and faster and we as a species are rapidly changing our environment.

Something I never noticed before, but can’t stop seeing now is this insane need to consume. Everywhere I look it seems as if none of us can stop ourselves from completing this cycle of consumption. People in places like China and the United States keep eating, buying, and consuming and then simply are tossing these things away. I fear that not only are people forgetting about your future, they are actively working against it. Many people are looking towards the stars for answers, as if they are already ready to escape the problems of this planet without attempting to fix what we have broken. We truly are at the breaking point and all of our actions moving forward could make or break the planet.

Every time I see you I fear for your future and the future of this planet. It is crazy to think that when you read this you will be in your 40s. I can already picture you all grown up with all of your adult teeth set in. I can see you succeeding in a job involving agriculture because all you do is play outside. I can see your family and all of your animals in a big, beautiful house.

Right now I want to be hopeful. Right now I want to think that we took action to ensure this beautiful future for you. There are so many brilliant people hard at work trying to prevent the destruction of our planet. Some of them have many resources and a lot of support, while others are forced to make do with what they have. These people give me hope and I hope to one day join their ranks.

As a broke college student, I can’t do much monetarily but I can give back in small ways. As you know I cut meat out of my diet entirely and have barely used any other animal products. I regularly recycle and try to shop and second shops. Before I make any big purchases I research the company to make sure they are using sustainable practices.

The biggest thing I am doing right now is voting. Not just in the presidential elections but in local ones as well. I want to try to get the right people into office now so that you may have the future that you deserve because they will fight for it.

I am going to remain cautiously optimistic because I have to for your sake!

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