I am very proud to know that You will treat Our Earth, Our Natural Gift, Our Playful Backyard with the same Awesome Respect that We give to each other, as a Family – Knowing that Our Earth, is Your Child Now.

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Robin Garlish
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Dear Josh, LeeAnn, & Jessica,

All Three of You know that My Heart, My Love is, 1st with Each of You!!!!
You also know that My 2nd Love is the Health and Welfare of Our Majestic Earth!!!

My earliest memories of sharing This Beautiful Earth with You:

You as a toddler – We are camping (“real” camping, with a tent – I will add!) at Alpine Lake, California. Ahhhh the Sierra Nevadas, the Sequoias – the Largest Trees known to Man.
And breathing in the the fresh crispy cool air with my morning coffee by the campfire!
Alpine Lake’s Graceful Aging as We revisit…

You as a preschooler – standing tall above the Grand Canyon – One of the World’s Most Beautiful Wonders – the Canyon Sky’s playful colors, dancing into the background of Your Personal Canvas!
Grand Canyon’s Graceful Aging as We revisit…

You are a Wonderful Gift to Me; as Josh’s Wife and LeeAnn’s Sister-In-Law! We have so many Wonderful, Playful trails to hike…
And Gracefully Revisit…

Who would have known that “My Mother and Father’s Gift of ‘Childhood Tent Camping'”in Estes Park, Colorado and Our Visit to Mount Rushmore with a detour to Wall Drug, would flow into a Gracefully Natural Wonder – as Your Gifts, Your Love For Our Earth!!!

We had never “mapped” Our Adventures out of a Guidebook. Our Travels have always turned into “Majestic Miracles!” These Majestic Miracles have always come from, “Hey. Let’s take a Left here, instead!”

“Truth and Logic” has made This Most Beautiful Land into a Warm Blanket for Our Earth, during Our “Precious Times” that We have, together!

I know that You, My Children, have grown to Respect, Love, and Treat Our Earth as it is “Your Natural Gift!” I am very proud to know that You will treat Our Earth, Our Natural Gift, Our Playful Backyard with the same Awesome Respect that We give to each other, as a Family – Knowing that Our Earth, is Your Child Now.

I am at Ease knowing that you will share Your Love of Our Earth with Your Families and Friends – knowing that Our Earth needs “Infinite Compassion, Healthier Care, and Critical Physical Love!”

I know This Because;
We have seen Maine and the Majestic Eastern Continent, and “took that Left turn” throughout to the Pacific Coastal Beauty, with many, many, untold, playful stories in between.

From “Cow – A – Bunga running” into the Cooling Atlantic Waters, finishing the Day with Our Earth’s fresh Maine Lobster to “Your Mother’s Secret Old West Gold-Panning Stream;”
where You Guys always have to drag Me away (with My frisbee/gold pan in hand) while knowing I could stay there indefinitely. “There’s an abundance of golden nutrients to share from My Stream”, I would always say!

From Rafting the multi-colorful “Colorado Rockies;” to Kayaking the royal blue”Pacific Ocean.”

From getting, playfully, sidetracked on a Trail, North of Tuscon (never making our intended destination) to listening to the Majestic Waves at Big Sur.


Our Friends and Our Family know Us well enough to know that “Our Next Left Turn” could be absolutely anywhere on this Wonderful Earth!!!

I am at ease knowing that “You and Your Next Generation” will Pass Along, ‘NOT THE HARMFULLY ENVIRONMENTAL MISTAKES’ that My Generation has left Our Earth.

But, You Will Leave The “New Experiences that We All Are Beginning to Understand and Learn” by Loving Our Earth, Our Precious Gift, Our Majestically Colorful Playground!

All My Love,
Your Optimistically Nature Loving Mother

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