Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will opt up to deep green.
Dear Josh, LeeAnn, & Jessica,
I am very proud to know that You will treat Our Earth, Our Natural Gift, Our Playful Backyard with the same Awesome Respect that We give to each other, as a Family – Knowing that Our Earth, is Your Child Now.
Dear friend,
I will fight for this cause and I will never ever give up because we, the youngsters, are the hope.
Dear Nafia,
I also hope that your previous prayers have been answered. The way you wanted to create green jobs for your fellow city dwellers have been fulfilled already.
To you, my dear!
In 2050, I will still be fighting against climate change. I feel that it’s not only my duty, but rather my destiny.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise I will do everything I can to help fight against climate change.
Dear You Tomorrow,
What we failed to do, at least early on, was to see how important it was to put those solutions together. To combine into a way forward.
Dear fantastic,
We as the human race are smarter than this struggle at hand and need to rise above large corporate interests and confusion on this topic.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to try to set up crowd funding for grants to people with realistic proposals to fight climate change.
To my Dad,
I hope on this Father’s Day, my 24th birthday, and the rest of days, we remember that the most basic part of life is living happy with the ones we love. Acting every day against climate change will allow us to keep that simple piece of humanity.
Dear Future
My hope is for all who live in your time to still know the joy of swimming in the ocean, walking through the woods, and hiking in the mountains.
Dear Future,
We need to work to save our beautiful home.
People of tomorrow,
Your path will only be as clear tomorrow as we have made it for you today.