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Isaac Summit
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Dear Isaac Summit,

Hi self. This is really a strange question for you and the entire family: what happened to us? Try to look back and remember what happened to you. Look back at what has happened to the earth with all of those gases hurting our planet in 2017, but we were beginning to change things. If you remember about those factories that emitted CO2. Well let me remind you how it works, both us and factories release CO2 to and that CO2 goes into the atmosphere and the way it is supposed to go is that it mostly goes into space and a little bit comes back to earth. But because of us burning coal and use gases in our cars to go places we have been basically reversing that end process now we are having more gases being reflected and less leaving. But now we have been trying to fix our planet by using clean energy. I just hope that you now don’t have to worry about things that are happening and that you can be able to breathe the freshest air that you can. I also hope that you are able to look outside with a smile and know the world is safe.

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