The gift for next generation,
In 2017, the U.S country got a lot of natural disasters because of climate change. Most of scientist commonly included that those natural disasters were brought by active people productions. To save the world and create a good environment for next generations, right now, we have to do some good things to make the earth clearly day by day. For me, to save the big world, perhaps, we should change the mind from myself to my small family to my community.
From myself, I need to do some good things and change my habits to make environment to be better. Actually, it is hard to change my mind about protecting environment because some bad habits and actions have existed in my mind for a long time. From now, I will try to change all of them to practice some good ways. For example, I will not stay up late and stick my eyes into iPhone screen because of saving energy. In a short distance, instead of driving the car, I will ride the bicycle to reduce CO2 emitting to cause greenhouse effect.
From my family, I recognize that every member also needs to change their mind especial with my kid. Normally, everyone wants to satisfy themselves and not want the other to make them mind so change their mind is harder than mine. However, for good environment I think every member will change their mind and they will especially focus on the educational protecting environment for kid. For example, every member will limit the time on games, and turn of the light if not use, reducing number of parties in the weekend or break days, changing the time for shower (like the afternoon in place of evening) …. All above works will help our family reduce amount of electricity and gas. And then, we get our purpose to save energy which is produced from most of fossil fuel; to save our environment.
From community, according to my thinking, we want to save the world, firstly, we have to increase community recognition about protecting environment. If we want to get this purpose, we will try work hard to heighten public awareness of environment problem in each person. From these number of people will spread out to bigger group. As a result, we will get a community to a lot who will have more cognition that protecting our environment is to protect ourselves. For example, some detail works that community protects the environment are, everyone should plant a tree, heavy punishment anyone to leave litter in public, we should stipulate our community who will use bio bags instead plastic bags, our community will support for anyone who will change the oil car into the electric car such as technical advice, loan, and charging station.
I think that the next our generation will get the bad or good environment to depend on our actions at present. Our earth will be green forever, if each of us practice works to protect and increase awareness of community about environment. Perhaps, those are the big gifts that the next generations inherit form us.