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Dear Humanity,

I hope when you received this message you can still enjoy some of the green of nature and you can breathe without a mask. I am feeling guilty for what we did and continue doing to this world. We are using and abusing of our resources and pretending that we are not aware of the consequences. We know that the way of living now will affect your existence, but not many of us is willing to change the way of living. I know it is not much, but I would like to apologize to all of you for what we had done. We have been egotistic and I am shame of this attitude, but I want you to know that I am working on making changes. My family and I are working so you can have a safe and breathable environment. We want to see green landscape and enjoy nature at fullest.


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More Messages to the Future


To my future self,

It is today on March 6th, 2017 that you have made the decision to make a difference in this world.


Dear Matthew, Sam, and Sophie,

There is a promise in the Bible: ‘I shall restore the years that the locusts have eaten’ and that points to a promise of complete healing and restoration. But until that comes I intend to do my best to ‘save the planet’ in whatever way I can, and I encourage you to do the same.


Dear 2050,

Our planet is crazy. I pledge to be an innovator to make sustainable living real.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise is to reduce electricity at home. I will turn off the TV and lights when I’m not in the room.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to include the trees and animals in all my decisions.


Dear Oliver,

I am getting your father on board too so that we can double charge this together.



How can I help you save the world and our country?


Querido amanhã,

Eu quero esse mundo melhor para você, onde o povo tem voz, seja lá quem você seja, eu vou fazer se tudo para proporcionar um mundo melhor para você.


Dear Lila

So today, my strong and spunky girl, I promise you this: I will stay vigilant and flexible. I will spread the word.


Dear Tomorrow,

No plastic straws, no water bottles, shop local, no meat.


Dear Brothers & Sisters All Across Mother Earth,

I promise to wholeheartedly live my life with an awareness of my personal impact on our communities and our planet.


Dear Madeline, Ava, and Harper,

What I wish most for you girls is that the care you have shown each other would extend to the big wide world around you.

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