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Dear Future Child,

I hope that the future is bright with advances in medicine in technology that I cannot even imagine today. However, I am concerned that my generation will not leave a better life for future generations like your own. Climate change is an impending and potentially apocalyptic issue in today’s world and I feel that I must make my own contributions to prevent the warming of the earth. One issue that I find most important is the emission of greenhouse gases and the potential over use of the world resources as the population grows. We as a world population need to world towards more sustainable and clean use of our resources and protect the Earth we live on.

These issues are at the front of my mind and I like to think that I can make a difference on this planet by doing little things like recycling and trying to limit my energy use, this is not enough. Someday I hope to use new renewable energy that is cleaner with fewer C02 emissions, like solar PV and geothermal so that I can do my part to stop the rising C02 levels in the atmosphere, waste less heat with improved insulation and again limit my carbon footprint by driving less and using alternate forms of transportation. The world is in a downward spiral and something larger than myself is at stake.

But there is hope by the time you are reading this the world could be a cleaner and our society much more sustainable than it is today. The world’s leaders need to come together and look at our environment and decide to make a difference, places like the Maldives that are threatened by the rising sea levels with the melting ice in places like Greenland and Alaska or the growing extinction of animals and plants as global ocean temperatures that are destroying the coral reefs. These are just the most visible examples. If the world leaders can come together to limit carbon output and move towards sustainable energy and farming, so that we as a population can support the growing world population.

So in conclusion I hope that your world and your future will be better than mine just as former generations have hoped for me. Hopefully world temperatures will have fallen to normal and we, as a species will have saved ourselves from destroying the world we live in.


PS Shoutout to Mr. Childs

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Dear Future Me: Only open after March 4th, 2050

I don’t regret my past ventures, nor do I believe I will regret my future ventures, but I’ve learned that I’ve needed to manifest these experiences into actions of sustainable development and conservation and protection of our environment.

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