Dear girls,
I look at you and I feel so lucky. Lucky to have you, lucky to live in such a great place, and lucky to live in such a great time. A time when we live in resource abundance. A time when we know that there are issues with our environment but it can still wait until another day. As you grow up, I fear you will not be so lucky. I fear for you and your children.
I’m sorry. Sorry that you had to be born at a time when we’re on the verge of resource scarcity. Sorry that my generation and the generations before me didn’t realize the harm we were causing until it was too late. Sorry that our leadership chose to listen to special interests rather than scientists. Sorry that I was not able to do anything to stop the inevitable change happening to our environment.
I’m hopeful. Hopeful that by the time you read this, we will have figured out ways to reverse or cope with the changing climate that looks ever apparent to the average eye in this day and age. Hopeful that somehow, someway, some of my work will slow the trend of increasing the pace of climate change. Hopeful that you, your generation and your children’s generation will continue the fight to lessen our impact on the climate and care for the earth.
I’m grateful. Grateful to have such a fulfilling and happy life. Grateful to have you, all of you, no matter the circumstance or squabble. I love you and I care deeply about your future. That’s why I’m dedicating my life to trying to make your world a better place than how it’s shaping up to be. Make your world nicer, cleaner, and (hopefully) a little bit cooler.
I can’t wait to see what amazing people you become, and meet all of the important people in your lives. I love you, your children, and your (future) grand children. I love you, always and forever.