Dobbiamo aiutare nel conservare il bello che c’è nel nostro pianeta.

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Davide Rendina
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Caro Giovanni,

Dobbiamo concentrarci nella ricerca delle fonti pulite e smetterla di cercare il petrolio perché è dannoso per noi setessi e per gli altri, dobbiamo aiutare nel conservare il bello che c’è nel nostro pianeta perché non possiamo cancellarlo, io ho paura per quello che succederà e per questo motivo cerco di muovermi a piedi quando posso o in bici perché non vorrei recare danno al nostro pianeta.

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More Messages to the Future


To my children – Chase, Maya and Harlan

I hope that we manage to change the system really soon, while there is still time. So that you are not left with the mess, and trying to fix something that you didn’t cause. I hope we figured out a way to be kind, and caring for others who will suffer more than us. A way to let go of the greed and look at ways we can help others rather than take from them.


Dear Evan,

We want your future family to enjoy the same beautiful places we enjoyed.


To my wide-eyed warrioresses,

Since my two daughters emerged into this world, all of my tomorrows have become more dear.


Dear Me of 2050,

I promise that I will plant more trees in places where there are none.


Dear future me,

I’m doing this work because I see it as the best way to save and improve as many lives as possible. I’m doing it so you, 2050 Ryan, can look at yourself in the mirror. And so you can tell your kids and grandkids someday that you did everything you could.


Dear Rowan & Tristan,

I promise to do everything I can as a daughter to our great Mother Earth to protect her wildlife and trees.


Dear Tomorrow,

I will aim to lower my carbon footprint!


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to live a car-free lifestyle.


Dear Kids of the Future,

My wish for all of you is that the people of the present wake up and are able to change their habits.


Dear Lalo,

I hope whatever happens, whatever I can’t imagine that you may face, that you will continue to seek light.


To my Maria and her children,

I have to tell you something: it is so hard to keep our life “green” for now, but we still keep trying.


Dear Great Grandchildren,

If you are reading this, you probably inherited my fascination with ancestry, and the way it uncovers incredible stories of unlikely survival.

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