I plan to plant more things this spring, as we do every year in our garden.

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Dear Me of Tomorrow,

Right now everything is going smoothly, There’s no drama, no money problems, life seems okay..

But behind our own beings, there’s a ton that’s going on. The average global temperature is rising and if the global temperature keeps rising at it’s current rate, by the end of the 21st century, the earth’s lower atmosphere could rise to more than 7.2 Degrees Fahrenheit. (Source for that info ) That’s crazy! Obviously we need to do something…

On a side note, deforestation isn’t helping. It’s what we call a Negative Feedback Loop. This means that the cycle just keeps going on and on, hurting itself rather than fixing itself. Here’s the catch. The temperature is  causing too many forest fires. The increased temperatures are affecting the forests. The increasing temperatures causing forest fires. When tree’s get burnt, they release Carbon Dioxide. It goes into our atmosphere, and there are LESS TREES, since they were burnt or cut, to take in that Carbon Dioxide, making it breathable air.Since they can no longer do that, too much Carbon Dioxide is in the atmosphere, temperatures increase again, and the cycle starts over.Here, this is easier. Trees cut/burnt → Release Carbon Dioxide → No trees to take in the Carbon Dioxide → More Carbon Dioxide = More heat, more heat = More forest fires, then the cycle starts over. This is a huge problem.

I assume that if we plant more trees to make up for it, that the Carbon Dioxide will be leveled back to it’s normal rate, and that trees, our air, and our temperatures will be saved. I plan to plant more things this spring, as we do every year in our garden. Our apple tree in the front yard will contribute as well. I promise to myself (you) That I (we) will contribute more to taking care of our tree’s by raising awareness, and planting more trees.



Date 3/7/2017

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