Sent on by
Loni Cortez-Russell
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Dear AJ

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to be creative – make art!


Dear friend,

I will fight for this cause and I will never ever give up because we, the youngsters, are the hope.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to sign up for 100% renewable energy.


Dear Grandchildren — August and any others who were born after him

I joined millions of other people who wrote letters and made calls urging our leaders to do more to care for the planet.


Dear Granddaughter Rosalia,

This is my heritage for you my beautiful cacheticos de melon.


Queridos amigos sobrevivientes.

Quiero pensar que ustedes serán la diferencia, que tomaran más actos sobre el asunto y no dejaran que nada los detenga.


Caro me stesso,

Non so dove e con chi sarò nel 2050, spero che sia un anno migliore di quello appena passato .


Greetings 2050 earthling,

Starting in 2015 I committed my life to sustainability.


Dear Maya, Emilio and Daniel,

We thought that the world was an endless supply of whatever we wanted… I know it sounds hard to believe, but that is the way it was.


Dear Me of 2050,

I promise that I will plant more trees in places where there are none.


To my daughter and son,

Surrounded by scientists who shared my fears and visions, I often had a hard time to accept that outside our small community climate change received marginal attention.


Queridos filhos Heloísa e Henzo,

Tenho muito orgulho da minha função (agente de fiscalização ambiental do Acre) pois é através dela que posso dar um pouco do meu suor, para que no futuro ambos possam ter um lugar melhor para viver.

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