We thought that the world was an endless supply of whatever we wanted… I know it sounds hard to believe, but that is the way it was.

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Hernan Sabau
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Dear Maya, Emilio and Daniel,

I hope that the world will be better when you read this. ..
I must say that in my youth I was not worried at all about climate change… It simply was something that was not on the news or on almost anybody’s mind. We were simply unconscious that we were harming the planet and thought that the world was an endless supply of whatever we wanted… I know it sounds hard to believe, but that is the way it was… I certainly do not feel good about it and today I strongly believe that we must put conservation before greed and I am sure that you guys will do a lot better than I did to take care of the Earth. I am sure we are still in pretty good time to make things the right way!!

El Abuelo

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Jeremy,

We had a lot in common obviously, and our concern for the planet we live on was one of the many things we bonded over.


Dear me,

Remember how passionate you felt at 20, I hope you keep that passion in you and are still working on climate 30 years from now.


Dear tomorrow,

The blue sky will no longer be grey, and the bleak clouds will be vibrant.


Dear Maya,

Maya, my love, I promise to be courageous. I promise that when I face a decision, I will think of how it will impact you and your future. I promise that I’ll also step outside my individual decisions and add my weight to the forces that shift culture and systems.


To my future self,

It is today on March 6th, 2017 that you have made the decision to make a difference in this world.


Dear Rowan and Anaka,

If we could talk, I would not be able to bear your gaze as you ask: How could you, the people in a position to change the course of climate change, fail to act?


Olá minhas Florzinhas!!!

Minhas florzinhas é isso…. vamos a batalha , procurar se informar sobre empresas que são amigas do meio ambiente, tentar banir as empresas que poluem nosso ar, nossos rios.


I promise to plant more flowers.


I pledge to use less plastic.


To my Dad,

I hope on this Father’s Day, my 24th birthday, and the rest of days, we remember that the most basic part of life is living happy with the ones we love. Acting every day against climate change will allow us to keep that simple piece of humanity.


For my children,

If we haven’t done enough and the world you’re living on is apocalyptic or if you’re living on another planet then I’m deeply sorry and just know that I believe in you and I know that you are both strong and smart enough to handle anything.


Dear future loved ones,

As I sit here and write to you, I’d like to share with you something more horrifying than a few boos – our current home, Earth.

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