I look at my baby niece today. The newest member of our family, just 3 days old. What will be left for her and her grandchildren?

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Jason Wolf
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To the Future Generations,

Sorry doesn’t even come close to the words needed to describe how apologetic I am to my future generations. I was a part of the mass global destruction of our environment, ecosystem, and future. I am now committed to doing anything possible to save your Earth.

The collective people of the world are battling with world leaders to take action on our behalf and for the sake of Earth. What will they do with their profits when they are washed away in the flood?

I look at my baby niece today. The newest member of our family, just 3 days old. What will be left for her and her grandchildren? Will they ever hear a bird sing or know what snow is? I pour love onto my family. They need to know we are trying. Some of us fighting very hard to combat corruption and greed. Let’s hope the resolution comes quickly before it is too late.

I love you all with my entire heart and soul. Be strong. Be brave. Be compassionate.


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More Messages to the Future


To my brother’s children,

We wondered about how we might be able to eliminate plastics from our day to day routines, and recycled literally everything. We were amazing, you should have seen us. Now and again though, we wondered if these were the right questions.


Dear Isaiah,

I am grateful for your soul, for your creativity, for your empathy. All these are precious treasures that you have to offer the world. They will help. I thank you for being in this world right now, so that you can offer these gifts at a time of transition.


To older Rochelle,

You should’ve reduced your carbon footprint, should be using some source of renewable energy and be a vegetarian by now.


Dear 2050,

Our planet is crazy. I pledge to be an innovator to make sustainable living real.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to switch from “light” to “deep” green.


Dear Tanuj,

The time has come to question ourselves as citizens about our own actions and the legacy we are leaving behind.


To the future,

Today, I will hope and envision the future I wish to achieve. Then tomorrow, I will have tough conversations, I will call my local representatives, I will continue to fight for this world.


Dear Tomorrow,

We want to let others know about how to fight climate crisis.


Dear Future Me,

I hope that when we look back on these years,  you’ll see that humanity can be good. That we joined together and fixed it because of we don’t, who will?


Dear Future Grandchild,

We can learn a lot about how to treat others from stories that have been passed from generation to generation.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to recycle and compost.


Dear Society,

If we work together to spread the awareness of what is occurring today, we will be able to prevent it from continuing into the tomorrow.

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