To my grandkids (of however many degrees),
Hi there! I don’t know whether or not I’m still alive as you read this but I just wanted to check-in. How are you all doing? Is the planet still habitable? Has NASA developed an extraterrestrial means of living? Has the United States and the rest of the world started holding corporations accountable for their majority contribution to the world’s pollution and greenhouse gases? Or are small individuals still being blamed and shamed for buying fast fashion and eating meat even if it’s all they can afford. I hope they’ve finally done something and somehow managed to slow down pollution. Even though I probably won’t be alive to see the earth become inhabitable, I still feel a sense of existential dread for you all, especially if you’ve reached the age where you can have your own children and their fate depends on humanity’s survival. Please continue to be smart and make thoughtful choices on how your small actions affects those you do not know, and refuse to be silenced when expressing your concern for our fates.
Much love,