One of my happiest memories is of seeing your parents as children, running through the golden hills near our home. My heart would leap with joy as I saw them vigorously playing and developing physical and mental skills.
Dearly hoping that you too will be able to run and play without fear of air pollution clogging your lungs, and hoping that you will be able to drink water which does not have to be boiled and bottled, and that you will eat wholesome foods safe from pesticides and additives that compromise health and vitality, hoping all that, I have spent most of my “discretionary” time in efforts to support environmental and political policies that will protect you.
As I became an “Elder”, I decided to use my years in partnership with other Elders who were called, like I was, to give our voices and committed actions to preserving a livable environment for present and future generations in our only magnificently beautiful planet.
May you thrive, enjoy and, when ready, take on the mantle we entrust to you to carry forward for your grandchildren and all the world’s children.
Your Grandma