Creo que debo hacer más. Por ello, he decidido escribir esta breve carta para empezar un proceso en el que vaya escribiendo más cartas, conforme vaya teniendo más claridad de mis posibles contribuciones.

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Jaime Serra
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Queridos nietas/nietos,

Les escribo esta primera carta para responder a tan importante pregunta ¿Sabías del calentamineto global y qué hiciste para evitarlo?

He sabido de este fenómeno desde hace muchos años, pero su papá (tío) Sebastián, me ha hecho mucho más conciente de la gravedad y, tal vez, inevitabilidad del fenómeno.

No he decidido aún cómo puedo colaborar para evitar o minimizar el daño de este fenómeno, más allá de mi comportamiento individual, tratando de minimizar siempre mi huella de daño ambiental. Sin embargo, creo que debo hacer más. Por ello, he decidido escribir esta breve carta para empezar un proceso en el que vaya escribiendo más cartas, conforme vaya teniendo más claridad de mis posibles contribuciones.

Los quiero enormemente y, por ello, quiero contribuir al cuidado del medio ambiente, para que ustedes también puedan disfrutar de este maravilloso planeta, como lo he hecho yo. Pronto volveré a escribirles, ya con ideas más claras.

Su abuelo Jaijo.


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More Messages to the Future


Dear Finn and Cy,

I think a lot about what you might be like when you grow up and about what kind of world you will live in.


Dear Yasmine,

I tried to teach you of the importance of being satisfied with what you had within your hands.


Dear Matthew, Sam, and Sophie,

There is a promise in the Bible: ‘I shall restore the years that the locusts have eaten’ and that points to a promise of complete healing and restoration. But until that comes I intend to do my best to ‘save the planet’ in whatever way I can, and I encourage you to do the same.


Dear Emile and Eloise,

The beauty and majesty of the world of your childhood is as remarkable as the beauty and majesty of mine, but the fragility of your childhood world is so much greater.


Dear Malasher and Alex,

My goal was to help you grow into better citizens of our planet; to help you care about our natural world and to make everyday choices that reflect concern for our beautiful earth and our own health as well as encourage you to work together to make changes in our community.


My dearest Paloma Bear,

I want the very best for you and for generations to come. There is only one planet earth. Your mommy and I will make a genuine effort to make an impact to protect it for you.


To my dear son,

Last year most of the world’s reefs turned white at some point, but because it was underwater you and your friends didn’t see.


Dear AC,

I think a lot about where the right place to live is.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise I’ll replace our lights with LED lights.


Dear Valentina & Luis,

You both know I have made it my mission to get people to understand more about the state of our planet‘s climate and what was at stake.


To my Beloved Future Children,

Be fearless – do not be afraid to talk to each other and do not be afraid to fail.


Dear Tomorrow,

And, if this summer has taught me anything, I am content (because I have to be) living in this limbo, this seemingly endless waiting for the opportunity to change, when really the opportunity exists within our very selves all along.

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