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to my future children,

I hope you never worry about whether the air you breathe is clean or the food you eat is good.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Maya, Emilio and Daniel,

We thought that the world was an endless supply of whatever we wanted… I know it sounds hard to believe, but that is the way it was.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise when I start my baking franchise, I will reduce pollution made by it as much as physically possible.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to eat less meat.


Dear Luna,

I will never give up on you, on humanity, on the future.


Hey kiddo,

I’ll be here to tell you all the ways I have fought for the health of our home, and fought to protect all of the wide, open spaces for you to run in. When you’re old enough, we can fight together.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate action is to educate youth to create solutions for energy efficiency and conservation opportunities.


dear me in 2030,

I am smelling burning plastic!


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to use a reusable water bottle.


Dear me,

Remember how passionate you felt at 20, I hope you keep that passion in you and are still working on climate 30 years from now.


To earth & its inhabitants,

Its been heavy on my shoulders since I found out about the state of climate woes as a child.


Dear old dude Mårten,

I know that the 2019 version of me (today that is) wished and hoped for that I did all within my power to turn the world around without loosing sight on the beauty of being alive.


Salutations to whoever may be reading this,

I promise to do my part. I promise to be the change I want to see in the world, and I hope that you, reader, will do the same.

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