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Adam Nelson
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Hello Future,

It’s hard to imagine what the world is gonna be like tomorrow, let alone a few decades in the future. I can only hope that in the future, the world gets it together. Right now there is so much uncertainty and violence in the world, I hope we can get to a point where things are more peaceful and predictable. As of today, the White House has finally somewhat acknowledged the fact that climate change is a real and human caused thing. I believe this is one small step in the right direction. I do hope that things keep moving in this positive direction. I do believe it will, simply because I don’t think we can possibly regress any further. Additionally, I hope that we start to make progress towards FIXING the problem that we have caused. Instead of the debate being whether or not climate change is a real thing, hopefully in the future there are conversations revolving around what more we can do to counteract the effects of climate change. Hopefully those conversation also include ways to assist those who are most effected by climate change.

Adam Nelson

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