Dear Tomorrow,
Promise me you will live your life to the full, no matter how long or how short. Promise me you will live in harmony with nature, and spread awareness of the effects of climate change.
Love from yesterday.
Promise me you will live your life to the full, no matter how long or how short. Promise me you will live in harmony with nature, and spread awareness of the effects of climate change.
Love from yesterday.
To my grandchildren’s children,
I became an activist to be part of a force to save the natural world and go 100% clean energy.
Dear Future Earth,
I promise to promote the growth of clean energy, like solar… For the sake of my grandchildren.
My dearest children Ameilia and Alivia,
I want you to hear the whispers of the seasons changing. The rustling of leaves as they gracefully cascade down from their limbs in the fall, birds singing in spring, and frogs that serenade the summer night.
Our Promise
I will turn my gas transmission into an electric car!
Dear Nieces and Nephews,
I tried.
Dear future niece or nephew,
We loved hiking, camping, biking, swimming and playing as kids together.
Dear future me,
I am 19 years old, and I am angry.
Dear Kaydence,
I will keep trying Kaydence, I promise. And I hope we can look back together in 2050 and smile, knowing that our Earth is healthy once again.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to ride more and drive less.
Dear Tomorrow,
And, if this summer has taught me anything, I am content (because I have to be) living in this limbo, this seemingly endless waiting for the opportunity to change, when really the opportunity exists within our very selves all along.
I pledge to use less plastic!
Dear people of The Future,
Thank you for reading. Do your part to save the globe.