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Dear People of the Future,

As it stands right now in 2018, things do not look so promising. Due to excessive anthropogenic activities, climate change is becoming more and more of a serious issue. However, there are still many active global warming deniers who state that the issue is insignificant (when compared to other problems facing the world). By the year 2030 or 2050, it is my hope that we have fully embraced renewable energy sources for power and electricity, or perhaps, have found a way to generate or harness clean zero point energy which exists throughout the fabric of space. In addition, traditional fuel burning energy sources like oil/petroleum and nuclear power will become antiquated with only passing reference in the history books. It is also my wish, by this time, that most of the cars on the road primarily run on hydrogen, or electricity. In conclusion, I can only hope that by this time (in 2030/2050), public consciousness is open and well aware on the issue of climate change, making the necessary changes to adapt to society’s pressing needs by doing everything they can to mitigate the immediate concerns facing our planet.

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Dear Elliot and Alana,

But being truthful, I know we are not yet on the path that will lead to the change that is needed; but it is visible.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to use my reusable water bottle more often


Dear grandkids,

I believe this fusion of ecology and economy backed by the digital technology is our great achievement.


To my future Niece,

While I will work my hardest to create any positive change I can, you must continue this quest. You cannot give up hope, and you must always remember that the beauty on this Earth is worth saving.


Dear Sinchi,

The world is changing and it is happening fast.


Dear Victoria, sugar pie honey bunch, chiquita loquita,

How can I look at your bright eyes and light dance and tell you we are facing a war?


Dear Gabriel,

When the worst consequences of climate change still feel far away today, or the barriers to acting on climate change seem steep today, I do not think about today. I think about you, and your world when you are my age.


Dear Future,

I asked you, the future , to help us as well, to preserve our only planet that can give us life, that can let us watch anime, go to the beach, smell flowers, run through the meadow, listen to our songs, be in a concert, and let us live.


Dear Tom and Leena,

I want you to only see the beauty in this world; there is so much of it and I will protect this beauty for as long as I am here on this Earth.


Dear future niece or nephew,

We loved hiking, camping, biking, swimming and playing as kids together.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to go to the farmer’s market more


My dear granddaughter Christy,

My own curiosity and knowing what a caring, aware young woman you are help me override despair.

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