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Sinh Nguyen
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Dear Me and My Friend in 2025,

Being a human being on this planet, I am heartbroken if this world is truly destroyed by the very act of human. Therefore, I feel responsible for writing this letter to warn people that environmental pollution will destroy the Earth.

Environmental pollution is one of the hot issues of humanity. Environmental pollution will cause the appearance of toxins that harm human life. Especially now, the global environment is tending to deteriorate and have a definite effect on human survival. First of all is land and soil pollution because human overuse and the side effects of the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other growth promoters. Land pollution reduces the productivity and quality of plants, destroys certain organisms in heavily polluted areas, and threatens human health through livestock and crops, even excessive ecological and genetic deformation for the living system.

In addition, water pollution is on the increase due to lack of treatment of domestic and industrial waste; due to chemicals used in agriculture and radioactive sources. Today, there are 40-50% of the steady flow of polluted rivers on Earth. Water pollution in the world could increase 10 times in the next 25 years. According to estimates by the scientific community, an estimated 96.5% of the water on Earth is saline water in the oceans. Only 2.53% of the total fresh water can be used for cultivation and human activities. However, the demand for clean water is increasing rapidly due to population growth and production development. It can be said that after the dangers of oil, human beings have been and will face the common risk of lack of clean water needed to maintain and develop their socio-economic life. Currently, it is estimated that more than half of countries and regions in the world are experiencing water shortages of varying degrees, including around 50 countries with severe water shortages. Up to 80% of illnesses are directly related to contaminated water, with 25 million children dying each year from unclean water. In lead-contaminated land, there is a mass appearance of cancer villages, strange diseases …

We all know that the cause of this phenomenon is mainly due to poor human consciousness when littering indiscriminately causes huge consequences. So why do not we all have a sense of preservation of the environment?

I write this letter very much hope each of us – members of the Earth will have new actions and strategies to make every human being more aware of protecting the environment for a better world. Protect our Earth, protect our own future and protect our precious energy. First of all, we must remove bad influences to energy such as banning acts of destroying natural resources, exploiting natural resources indiscriminately, irresponsibly or illegally; educating people to use energy in the most economical way; calling people around the world to hold hands and protect the Earth’s energy. In parallel with that, we and the company working on energy, making the green energy sources such as solar energy, wind power, hydropower, etc. to put into use in life. In addition, we have to go to the countryside – where there are many biomass sources – propagate to farmers to preserve and supply the bagasse, straw, etc. to the factories to make power that is cheap and useful; advise everyone to save electricity and water at all times. We can propagate in many ways, make many banners, slogans paste in many places for people to know; cycling on the streets, walks for energy with the most useful, practical propaganda;  bring our thoughts, actions and positive words to the schools because that place is the place to nourish the youth for the world. If the meaningful actions are carried out forever and are responded to, then hundreds of years later, the Earth will not lose precious “energy”.

Best regard, good bye!


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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to eat less meat.


Dear Makena,

Sweetie, you deserve clean air, water and soil. You deserve to thrive in an environment that supports you.


Dear Maddie,

Please know that I have tried very hard to be one of those people, to even make the smallest of changes in order to improve the world for you and your future.


Dear grandkids,

I believe this fusion of ecology and economy backed by the digital technology is our great achievement.


Querido amanhã,

Em fim, espero que você receba essa mensagem, e entenda o quão pequenos nos somos e como é importante preservar o planeta terra.


Dear Elliott,

We’re moving into uncertain times, and your dad and I worry. A lot. But you’re keeping us going. You’re pushing us to make better choices and not give up.


To my daughter and son,

Surrounded by scientists who shared my fears and visions, I often had a hard time to accept that outside our small community climate change received marginal attention.


dear future people (:

I am writing this message to you guys. When I look outside my window today, I see a beautiful world that others and myself call “home sweet home.” The trees glimmering in warm sunlight, the air stirring a cool breeze, and the water flowing down rivers are parts of our home Mother Earth.


Dear people of The Future,

Thank you for reading. Do your part to save the globe.


Dear Sander,

I pray that you are having a happy life and that you have contributed each year of your life into helping to make our planet healthy, cleaner, thriving and greener- a better place for all people and animals to live.


To the wonderful children of our family – Elayna, Julianna, and James –

There is no issue more important to your future and your friends’ future than stemming climate change.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise: community awareness of the climate crisis.

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