I promise those who walked the Earth before me and those who will walk the Earth after me that I will not stand by and let nature slip through my fingers.

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Xueyi Lu
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dear earth,

I hope that one day, all of us will come to understand that we cannot live or thrive without you, and that regardless of the path we follow or the way we develop, we are products of you. One day, the governments and corporations will understand why they cannot trade clean air and water for money and filth. One day, the truth will come to light and there will be no denial of it.

We can adapt to and ameliorate the climate crisis as a society. We can guarantee a better world for every human being. We can bring racial and social equity into environmental justice. We can create economies that benefit the environments they are rooted in. We can maintain biodiversity. We can conserve our flora and fauna. We can save the bees, clean the seas, and plant more trees. We can be better.

I promise those who walked the Earth before me and those who will walk the Earth after me that I will not stand by and let nature slip through my fingers. I will not let my people stand by when we are destroying our own home. I promise to show that it is possible for humanity to live sustainably and enact positive change on a global scale. I promise that we will make it.

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