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Dear Henry Nguyen, my #3 best friend

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to write this letter to you to talk to you about today’s world’ environment. The year is 2030 right now, and ten years ago, remember the coronavirus lockdown we had in 2020? A lot of people passed on from that. Since that happened, people took pre-caution by washing hands for every 20 seconds, using hand sanitizer, wear gloves if you go out somewhere. People do this to protect themselves.

I believe that in today’s environment, we must always wash our hands regardless because random germs can still spread and make you sick. Most people already do this, but whenever you grow vegetables and fruits in your back yard, you must always wash them to make sure they are clean. By doing this, everyone in the world will keep themselves clean in the environment. If any new virus came just like the coronavirus ten years ago, then we must take pre-caution like always for safety. Since it is 2030, I am sure technology would also be much more advance and would help people in the medical field.

In today’s environment in 2030, we want to make sure that we always keep ourselves clean. As an awareness spread of what most people do is, do commercial ads of hand sanitizers to remind people to kill the germs from your hands still whenever you touch something random, and you would not know where it has been. I hope that more companies workers and schools around the world consider putting hand sanitizer stations in their areas to keep themselves clean from any germ spread. There have been hand sanitizer stations in hospitals too, so why not let it be in other places also, to prevent virus spread? I hope you are well safe, healthy.

Anonymous ( Your best friend who you met in 10th grade and who you always count on to be there for you when you are down).

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Tomorrow

I hope that environmental issues are a thing of the past.


Dear ACS, LG, CM, MCD, AH, MS, AS, GL, and ERD,

I commit to demanding that politicians that want my vote, my time, my substantial help and expertise are people who seek to address climate change seriously and talk about it boldly.


Chers Enfants,

Chers Enfants,


Dear Future Earth,

I promise to promote the growth of clean energy, like solar… For the sake of my grandchildren.


Dear Potential Future Kiddo,

To think that my choices of sustainable commuting, eating a plant based diet, and working on our City’s zero waste program likely pale in comparison to the impact of not having a baby is nothing short of devastating.  Does it make me a bad environmentalist to honor my maternal instincts?


Dear Tomorrow,

I will do my part to help ensure that there is an Earth left when we are done borrowing it.


To all the children of the future and those who love them,

While there is still breath in this body I will give of my soul and my time and energy to making the world a better place, for you, and all the beautiful living beings of this world.


Dear Hailey and Lily,

We know about this. If we don’t fix this for you, it’s our fault.


I love you Earth.


To the Three most Beautiful Souls I could ever Know,

I promise to keep your Love at the forefront of my every move. I will make personal changes and I will learn more, so that I can contribute to a healthier environment in a meaningful way.


Dear Malasher and Alex,

My goal was to help you grow into better citizens of our planet; to help you care about our natural world and to make everyday choices that reflect concern for our beautiful earth and our own health as well as encourage you to work together to make changes in our community.


Dear Future Family,

As I’m sitting here trying to think of the best words to say to you all, I am thinking of one major thing: that I can only hope that you all get to experience the incredible beauty created by our planet.

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