Dear Future Self,
How are you doing? I hope you’re doing well. I hope some things have gotten better for you, and I hope you have a nice family and a good group of friends to support you. I think it’d be reassuring for you to read this and fully understand that things have gotten better for you. I guess I should ask a few questions about how things are different in the future? Did they ever figure out how to fix climate change? How about the political situation? And how about world peace? Eh…that’s probably a little TOO optimistic. Perhaps I should scale back my questions to something a little lighter. What were some of the major technological advancements of the past decades? As of now, everyone’s just waiting for the next Apple and Android device, and as far as we can tell they’ll be responsible for the next advancements. A new player could jump into the technological race at any point, have there been any surprises? And whatever happened to Tesla and SpaceX? Did anything come of them, or did they both sort of fizzle out? How about entertainment? Have there been any major advancements in the ways that we view film, television, and video games? As of now, it seems like movie theaters may be falling apart, are they still around? If so, how are they different? Hey, do you remember the pandemic? I’m almost afraid to ask if things have not improved by the time you read this, but with the way things are going, I have some hope. Anyway, I guess I’ve taken up enough of your time, so I suppose I should wrap up this letter. I’ll end things with a plea to you: I want you to take a look back on everything that’s happened to you since you first wrote this letter, and write another letter responding back to this one. I figure that it’ll probably put things into perspective for you.