Dear Future Self,
The planet is dying. I hope that my future self looks back on the past and feels that I’ve made a difference. Of course, there are simple things I could do, like compost and recycle, but it does not end there. It is important that throughout my life I spread the word, and educate myself on the environment and the effects of pollution. I want to make a contribution. Throughout my life, I will not use plastic straws, plastic bags in grocery stores or plastic water bottles, and I will encourage my peers to do the same. For me, surrounding myself with people that are like-minded in wanted to be apart of the process of saving the world, is important. It is crazy to think that my species might be the cause of the 7th mass extinction and I do not want to live in a world where I am adding to the cause of this. I hope that my future self looks back and can be proud of the progress I’ve made so that there can be a world where my grandchildren live.