Dear future Me,
I hope we manage to help stop climate change in some way.
Dear Tomorrow,
Don’t use plastic straws!
To my future children,
I am doing everything I can because I want the footprint that I leave behind to be my feet in the sand on a beach and not a carbon one.
Dear Abigail and Olivia,
What stories will you tell them about our generation? Will we be heroes or villains?
Dear child,
The journey of humanity does not take us to Mars like the world now likes to believe. It takes us home to our true self where there is no separate self. Where we are all one. You know all this. Look after yourself my child, look after your brother, your friends, your children, all the animals and the whole planet. Love them like there is no tomorrow.
Dear Tristan,
I am doing this to protect you, the food, water, air and biodiversity of a country that I love.
To my dear children in the year 2050,
I don’t wish to go backwards, but I do wish we would slow down and design our brave new world with more care.
Pick up your trash wherever you go!
Dear Tomorrow,
We only have 11 years left until the damage done by climate change is irreversible.
Dear Tomorrow,
I promise to be creative – make art!
Dear Oliver,
I am getting your father on board too so that we can double charge this together.
Dear Tomorrow
Stay Cool and Save the Whales
Dear Tomorrow,
The road I learned to ride my bike on, the field where I kicked my first soccer ball, and the park I ate my first ice cream cone at, could all be gone.