Thank you for reading. Do your part to save the globe.

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Dear people of The Future,

Climate Change is one of the largest issues in the world. We must stop. This is not right. Please, do your part for the world and

a) recycle all available items

b) containers for change are a great way to recycle plastic bottles and cans

c) compost food scraps

d) avoid wasting food

e) only buy animal-friendly foods

f) become a vegetarian or vegan if you would like to reduce meats.

Thank you for reading. Do your part to save the globe.

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Aos meus sobrinhos queridos, Ana Laura, Luis Carlos e Helloísa,

Talvez eu não esteja viva para ver alguma mudança, mas espero que vocês vejam e tenham um mundo melhor em 2050. Plantei um ipê rosa e outro amarelo, que eles estejam florindo até 2050.


Dear Yasmine,

I tried to teach you of the importance of being satisfied with what you had within your hands.


Dear Future Generations,

Dear Future Generations,


Querida Futuro Yo,

Quiero que puedas decirme que lo hemos logrado, y que el mundo hoy es un poquito mejor porque nosotras pusimos de nuestra parte.


Olá Pessoal,

Com essas ideias simples e força de vontade, podemos tornar um mundo, um lugar melhor para se viver, com menos mortes, menos lixo, transforma-lo em um mundo diferente.


Dear Nephew,

I am going to start doing better to have a healthier planet for you to live on.


Dear Josh, LeeAnn, & Jessica,

I am very proud to know that You will treat Our Earth, Our Natural Gift, Our Playful Backyard with the same Awesome Respect that We give to each other, as a Family – Knowing that Our Earth, is Your Child Now.


To my precious children,

As you’ve grown older, I’ve become increasingly aware that protecting you means more than ensuring your short-term safety. It also means ensuring that you’ll have a safe planet to live on.


Dear Elliott,

We’re moving into uncertain times, and your dad and I worry. A lot. But you’re keeping us going. You’re pushing us to make better choices and not give up.


Dear Maya, Emilio and Daniel,

We thought that the world was an endless supply of whatever we wanted… I know it sounds hard to believe, but that is the way it was.


Dear Erica and Matthew,

I want you to be able to bring your kids to Tahoe and experience the same clarity that you had as a child.


Dear Tomorrow,

My climate promise is to use a refillable bottle, bring my own resusable spoon/form wherever I go, use clean personal care products (without chemicals).

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