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Dear future generations,

I apologize. It is not a certainty that by 2050, when you are reading this, the world will be even more of an environmental wreck as compared to the world in 2016, the year I’m writing this, but if trends continue the way they seem to be headed, it likely is. I’m sorry that your children and my children and their children have to deal with extreme weather, mass extinctions of animals that my generation and those before me took for granted, rampant greenhouse effect, and worst of all, knowing that what you’re going through could’ve been stopped. It wouldn’t have been too difficult either, but why on Earth were we not able to make the changes necessary to curve these inevitable impacts when we had a chance? I want to blame politicians who sometimes block conservation efforts from being practiced, I want to blame the masses in general (particularly Americans for our unhealthy level of consumption), but in the end I really don’t know who to blame or if there is anyone in particular to blame. All I know is that I hope you’re reading letter laughing at my worry.

I hope sometime very soon after I write this we see a major shift in global conservation efforts and we see every single one of us taking responsibility for our effect on this planet. I hope my children and my grandchildren don’t have to worry about having enough food to eat or whether it’s too hot or cold to go outside. I hope they can take a trip to the arctic and still see polar bears and glaciers as I can today and I hope that they don’t have to use scuba gear to see Florida. Whatever the outcome ends up being, it’s in my generations’ hands to undo what damage has already been done and create a more sustainable future. Not for us, we likely won’t be here long enough to see any severe change, but for you.

Thank you.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Future Me,

I promise that I will change my behavior to benefit our trees.


Hola Cariño,

Life is not easier being a believer but I would not have picked another path. Thanks to my Faith I found my passion to work to stop climate change for your future. Now go play outside and breathe clean air. Dios te bendiga.


Querida Emanoely,

Gostaria que você se lembrasse das lições simples que mamãe e papai te ensinou, como cuidar das plantas e dos espaços coletivos.


To My Future Child(ren),

The fact that you are reading this means that you would know the answer to a question that has kept me up at night more often than I would like to admit: Did I make you proud?


Dear future generations,

It’s never too late to make a difference. Our actions have very real consequences. We can educate ourselves, learn from our mistakes, and take action. We can hold companies like big oil and big plastic accountable for their negative impacts on the environment. We can educate ourselves and others about what causes climate change and what actions we as individuals can take to lower our carbon footprints.


Dear Gabriel,

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – The Lorax


Dear Gabriel,

When the worst consequences of climate change still feel far away today, or the barriers to acting on climate change seem steep today, I do not think about today. I think about you, and your world when you are my age.


Dear Future Self,

I hope you got your dream job of using your business degree to reduce co2 emissions and promote sustainable energy.


Dear Tomorrow,

I promise to ask five of my friends to plant trees.


Dear Eleanor,

You are so small. So innocent. So beautiful. For you and for everyone else, I will try harder.


Dear Future,

I hope that things have cooled down. I hope that people and governments have come together to save our earth. I hope that everyone is able to breath clean air, drink clean water and see the beauty in nature that I do. I promise to do my best to take part in repairing the damage we’ve done so that my hopes may come true.


To my future children,

It’s not enough to just recycle. I will sign petitions and call my local representatives. I will also engage in conversations about climate change – even with people with whom I don’t see eye-to-eye.

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