Dear future children,
The world is a very interesting place isn’t it? While this letter is from a assignment I had to do for some extra credit I just thought I might want to tell you some things. The future from the way we as a society are going does not look to bright but it is always important to keep your head up. Even though the world may look bleak there is always a spark of hope that you must always hold on to in order to get through the chaos. I myself believe in humanity and eventually doing the right thing and fixing climate change or other important issues in the United States and the world. But right now I believe the number one issue is climate change and the world needs to figure out a way to sustain our way of life while also keeping the earth a habitable place. While we may end up giving up somethings for the greater good it is a necessary sacrifice for the sake of the planet and all of its inhabitants. Anyways maybe you will be the one to figure out a way to solve this problem because I know I will educate you on the dangers this poses. But until we meet I love you and I am already a proud Dad.