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Dear Future,

I am writing this letter in the year 2017. As of now the United States of America has gone through some interesting events. Donald Trump is our president… he does not believe in climate change and he decided to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. In the year 2017, there were numerous disasters that happened all over the world: earthquakes, hurricanes, massacres, wildfires. Some of these natural disasters may have been caused by climate change. People need to understand that climate change is happening and things need to be fixed!

I hope that in the future the environment is well taken care of and people are more aware of climate change and take action is climate change. Protect our Earth.

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More Messages to the Future


Dear Rosie,

But when you are reading this years from now, by the light of a solar powered lamp, know that your dad, mom and millions of others who burned brightly with love for our kids did what we could, when we knew the stakes.


Future Self & Ka’iulani,

We promise to reduce the amount of carbon we use on a daily basis.


Dear Samuel, Willa, and Ben,

To the core of my being, and only through the power of community, I will honor the voices of the youth who are pleading, “Don’t burn my future.” Samuel, Willa, and Ben, your little voices I know, will join that chorus soon enough.


I promise to plant trees and to turn off the lights.


Dear Abigail and Olivia,

What stories will you tell them about our generation? Will we be heroes or villains?


Dear Jackson,

I feel deeply that it is my moral obligation as your Mom to protect your future and allow you to inherit a clean and healthy planet.


Dear Daughter,

Even when contemplating huge global-historical issues — especially then — it’s important to stay grounded in the present time and place, the specific here and now, and the minute affairs of everyday interpersonal relations.


Queridos amigos sobrevivientes.

Quiero pensar que ustedes serán la diferencia, que tomaran más actos sobre el asunto y no dejaran que nada los detenga.


Queridos nietas/nietos,

Creo que debo hacer más. Por ello, he decidido escribir esta breve carta para empezar un proceso en el que vaya escribiendo más cartas, conforme vaya teniendo más claridad de mis posibles contribuciones.


Dear Tomorrow,

The transformation of human consciousness


Dear fantastic,

We as the human race are smarter than this struggle at hand and need to rise above large corporate interests and confusion on this topic.


Dear Future,

I asked you, the future , to help us as well, to preserve our only planet that can give us life, that can let us watch anime, go to the beach, smell flowers, run through the meadow, listen to our songs, be in a concert, and let us live.

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